
Some of my readers are sharing their response to “Sunsets & Kites”

I’ve just finished reading my copy ofย Flloyd Kennedy‘s wonderful collection!๐ŸŒ…๐Ÿชย It captures her many facets and is so personal and thought-provoking.

Lucy Pickavance

With kindness, love and a gentleness almost forgotten, I found these words prising open my soul without my knowledge. I am left unsettled, ad my mind and heart are more exposed. There is a slowness in this book that is missing in the world. A kindness. A gentle beauty to the words and rhythms that allows the deeper meanings to move in the shadows. Visible but unseen… and I am changed.

This book is a delight. Make yourself a cup of tea, turn your phone off, sit in the comfy chair and allow yourself to drift gently with the tides for an hour or so. Don’t rush. Don’t look for meaning. Just go slowly. Thank you Flloyd.

Ted Gray

I found all the poems and stories entertaining and thought provoking and some of them I’ll go back and read again – and possibly again!

Mabel Macarthur

The book is available as paperback, or ebook, from Amazon and

I’ve just submitted the audiobook files to the publisher, awaiting review…

Stay safe!