Historic Event

It’s not often one gets the opportunity to be part of something historic, so I was pretty chuffed to be included in Threshold Festival X’s line-up yesterday. Sad that this was to be the final Threshold Festival though. This grass roots festival of music and visual arts has been running annually in Liverpool since 2011. It has been a huge success in promoting local artists and performers, as well as bringing extraordinary national performers to the city. For 3 nights and 2 days each year, every cafe, bar, gift shop and street corner in the Baltic Triangle would be jumping with excited audiences, enjoying their favourites as well as taking the newcomers to their hearts.

It’s no secret that Liverpool is a hotbed of musical talent, and Threshold ensured they were given a platform. But such is the nature of grass roots organisations, that they struggled to get funding and inevitably lost money. So having decided to finish up last year, and then having to postpone it to this year, they took the whole thing online and boy, did it go out with a bang!

You will find all the performances that were streamed online over the weekend are now available on Youtube.

Click here for the virtual art gallery.

Click here for Threshold Youtube Channel to watch all the events

Farewell Threshold, and thanks for all the love.

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