Things to do in lockdown…

Somebody recently described me as ‘someone who Does Things’, and I have to agree. But I don’t see that it’s anything to be particularly proud or, or not. It’s just who and what I am. I have to be Doing Things. And if I’m lucky, sometimes other people enjoy what I do.

So, I’ve published my first collection of poems, songs and stories. And now I’ve released the audiobook version as well.

And I’ve released some songs on Bandcamp. Here is the latest. It’s a Paean to the Liverpool weather, which offers never a dull moment.

What to do next?

If enough people buy (and review!) copies – paperback, eBook, audiobook or tracks – I might be able to buy my 4th Kenwood Chef. Amazon are offering a special on the Compact version, which might fit somewhere in my tiny kitchen. And then I can bake and grind even more healthy food for myself. As if I don’t eat too much as it is!!!

Whatever happened to the previous 3 Kenwood Chefs? Ah – that another story, for another time.